Psoriasis — pictures, symptoms, treatment

This disease is manifested by the appearance on the skin of red spots, which are constantly troubling, instead of rashes itching, what prevents a full life. Possible complications the occurrence of cuidam arthritico joint pain.


Quality of life in people who have similar problems, dropping. And even when the general condition is often not significantly deteriorate, the usual way of life changes. It's serious unaesthetic skin disease brings a lot of inconveniences, for example, the inability to wear revealing clothes, or go to the sauna or on the beach.

In some cases, psoriasis causes suffering, comparable with such heavy diseases, such as heart failure, acute forms of hypertension or postinfarction state. The danger is the amplification of itching, because the conpositis demere rapta places appear difficult to sana wounds.

The complexity of this disease lies in the fact that it is virtually incurable. All it has to offer the pharmaceutical industry is currently, it gives a temporary result. As well as measures, such as psychotherapy, vitamin complexes, and food, leave just a little to improve the condition.

The symptoms of psoriasis

  • The formation of plaques silver color;
  • Peeling the places of destruction;
  • Bleeding from areas where imminent the skin.

These are classic symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the variety, the disease. We distinguish several views of psoriasis that differ in intensity, occurrence and combination of symptoms.


Irritation and redness can form on all areas of the body, but in most areas of the lesions are the elbows, hands, back, knees and feet. Other symptoms of psoriasis can act:

  • Delamination of the nail plate;
  • The formation of dimples on the nails;
  • Discoloration of the nails, the formation of yellowish hues;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Increase the sensitivity of the skin;
  • Swelling.

Stage of development

During the disease dermatologists conventionally divided into several stages. This is important because the disease often has a chronic character. The experts have the opportunity to follow in the course of the disease, and to determine the correctness of the chosen method of treatment.

  1. The initial stage is characterized by further deterioration, which is expressed in the appearance and increase the rash. Psoriasis the initial stage it is possible to see in the photo. The main evidence of advancing disease – the emergence of peeling plaques of red color without the weight of the edge of the speaker. And the redness spread rapidly, the flakes failed to cover the entire surface of inflammation.
  2. The progressive phase. In this period still appear new difficulties, ibi papules grow. Originally established elements actively bark. Is a positive isomorphic reaction, when the locations of skin lesions arise new papules.
  3. Of the stationary phase. In this stage the rash becomes less, cease to discover new plaques are available papules do not grow. All places lesions covered with scales, headbands redness around the commemorative plates are missing.
  4. Regression – the most important stage of treatment of psoriasis, it shows that the worsening of the disease behind, made treatment is effective and has brought positive result. The main task of this phase is to prevent re-aggravation. On the regressus stage plaques are almost unnoticeable, the peeling of the ends in places of the lesion are composed of a whitish or brownish spots.

Dividing the disease into stages depends on the activity flow of the inflammatory process. The core consists of the clinical manifestations of the disease, than the redder and more papules, the more is the process. The manifestation of the activity of psoriasis are visible in the photo.

The causes of psoriasis

Many interested in the question, psoriasis is contagious or not? For a start it is necessary to understand the causes of occurrence of psoriasis. Cannot be contracted by contact, and through common towels, toiletries or handshake. Most often the disease occurs in young people aged 18-25 years.

The main factors that contribute to the development of the disease, are:
  • Genetic predisposition. The disease can develop with the relatives of the first line;
  • A common cause of stress, nervous strain, a strong emotional shock;
  • Possible reason – diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Metabolic disorders, in particular the lack of silicon in the human body, beriberi;
  • Intestinal diseases and viruses.

It is worth mentioning that the immune imbalance in the body causes the formation of acne. This is a condition where your own cells show aggression to the tissues, it is reflected on the skin. Have a direct relationship between the development of the disease and the condition of the intestines.

People who have intestinal parasitic infection, the more often prone to skin diseases. Activators of intestinal diseases with long-term existence in the blood releasing toxins, which trigger the immune imbalance. Consequently, it appears psoriasis.

Methods of treatment of psoriasis

Many experts believe that this disease is virtually incurable. A clear pattern of treatment of psoriasis exist, each case is considered individually. Because psoriasis – a phenomenon little studied, the main reason for its formation was taken considered the emotional overload, and immune disorders.

The most amazing is that psoriasis can unexpectedly disappear, as they appeared. The logical explanation for this surprise medicine can give. How to treat psoriasis?

In the first place it is worth remembering that the treatment should be comprehensive. First, the patient prescribes medications for local use. If the result is not, then joins the treatment treatment.

Necessarily complex includes:
  1. Respect for for every day.
  2. A special hypoallergenic diet.
  3. Mental attitude, how to get rid of emotional and physical stress.

Non-steroid medication to reduce inflammation out for problems with the joints in their composition you will find active ingredients – ibuprofen, which relieves pain. When more serious disorders are used a special injection of the joints.

Some forms of psoriasis are treated paraffin appliques, radiation. For alleviation of inflammation in the progressive stage of the disease also apply ointment, in the presence of the infection prescribed medications, containing antibiotics.


Good results show, laser treatment, phototherapy, cryotherapy. Psoriasis on the head treated with the use of humilis-interest sulfur-salicylic formulations. After the transition of the disease into the stationary phase used ointment for psoriasis with a keratolytic effect .

Diet with psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis are always produced individually, but in any case it is necessary to establish the right food and to cleanse the body of toxins that provoke the development of disease. The appropriate diet and body detoxification – the key to successful treatment.

In compiling the diet food is need to pay special attention to the products containing in sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. For effective treatment of the body must be made of the following substances:

  1. Products that contain silicon. This mineral is the sorbent, which lists all of the antigenic complexes from the body through the intestines. On the other hand, he is involved in to improve the texture of the skin, which is important in this disease.
  2. Vitamin D and calcium. The fact is that calcium is absorbed only with vitamin Further Complex involved in stabilization of cell membranes. Drugs are appointed for a period of stabilization or remission.
  3. Fish oil. Inflammatory processes are always accompanied by a loss of cells. For their restoring and maintaining the immune system are the essential antioxidants. To restore balance are advised to intake of omega-3 acid, which is contained in fish oil. It is a powerful aktioksidant, which helps to cope with psoriasis.
  4. Lecithin. The cells of the epithelium with psoriasis actively die off, for upgrade skin cover requires building material — phospholipids, the source of which is and acts lecithin. This allows you to quickly stop the inflammation and restore the skin cover.

Universal diet that appears when psoriasis does not exist. Diet is to be agreed with the attending physician. But there are some general recommendations for the compilation of the menu. Should pay special attention to foods that are not suitable to eat in the period of treatment.

It is worth it to give up the meals that cause allergy or provoke the development of disease. It is desirable to reduce the intake of salt, completely ruled out it is unlikely. It is worth it to remove from the diet of fried, salted, canned, smoked dishes, foods containing preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes.

The exclusion of the non-refundable sweets, confectionery, all fast carbohydrates. It is strictly prohibited to eat alcohol!

In the diet should be present useful food and drinks. Necessarily include the menu, fish, lean meat, to cook as far as possible without burning, bake, boil or stew. It is necessary to regularly eat fresh fruit and berries, with the exception of citrus fruits and strawberries. A day to drink milk-based drinks, herbal tea.

Proper nutrition will allow you to quickly deal with such is already downloaded, such as psoriasis.

Treatment at home

In addition to complying with the diet food in the home persons who have the disease, should adhere to the following rules:

  • Meticulous skin care. Needs special protection, cannot prevent the damage of skin cover, because any abrasion and fissures can inflamed. In this disease often arises secondary to inflammation, which may lead to suppuration;
  • At the time of treatment it is worth it to give up the use of cosmetics, nails better cropped short, with psoriasis are also affected, they become brittle, peel off;
  • Not worth it to be in direct sunlight. Sunbathing is possible, but short period. Long-term exposure to sunlight can cause deterioration and hurt the skin cover;
  • It is necessary to exclude the influence of stress factors and to direct efforts to strengthen immunity. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes, play sports, tempered.


Psoriasis – a disease which carries an individual character. As research has shown, that it is not spread from person to person. When it is worth to note that self-heal can not be engaged, the disease is dangerous, bad drug, can cause various complications. Is not recommended during treatment with combing the damaged sections.

Preventive measures to prevent disease include the following:
  1. Refusal of bad habits. Smokers are people more prone to developing the disease than non-smokers. Smoke from cigarettes reduces the immunity and poisons the body, it restricts blood circulation, causing the appearance of the plaques.
  2. Intake of drugs may trigger the disease is a side effect of beta-blockers and products that have in the composition of the lithium. Prior to their adoption should consult with a specialist.
  3. Maintenance of immunity. It is necessary to avoid the disease is infectious in nature, and in time to treat colds and other viral diseases. In certain cases it is advisable to take vitamin complexes.

It is necessary to properly carry out care of the skin, to maintain it in a moistened condition, is essential. For this it is necessary to control the normal level of humidity in the room, refrain from using air conditioners, which overdry the air. Body wetted using lotions, creams and oils after the water treatments.

Carefully worth it to choose cosmetic products, decorative cosmetics should be of good quality. For skin care, it is desirable to use natural remedies. Bad for use for household, domestic work should be performed in gloves, as the chemical reagents are capable of damage even healthy skin.

Water soothes and cleanses the skin veil, water treatments – is a mandatory part of prevention and treatment of psoriasis. In the warmer months can be used pouring cold water, and in winter – to make herbal baths. In this case, since the hard sponge and scrubs it is better to give up.

Clothing should choose from natural materials, to deterioratus the skin and bypass air. The ideal option – things made of cotton.


Prevention of psoriasis requires special attention to the correct lifestyle and meals, but also for the personal hygiene of the skin. If you implement the recommendations and maintain your health, it is possible to minimize the risk of developing psoriasis, reduce the severity of the current illness.